Natual Healing Guide - Blog & Video

The Only Sting That Soothes! allergies arthritis nettles Mar 01, 2023


In the early summer when I go out to harvest plants and flowers, or when I mow the lawn or when the wind blows, sometimes I will come back in the house and begin to sneeze and get a runny nose. These are allergic reactions to something in the air, likely pollen. I have found natural...

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Slippery When Wet! acid reflux anti-inflammatory crohn's disease gastritis gruel i.b.s. slippery elm washington Feb 22, 2023


My first experience with slippery elm bark made my nose wrinkle. The name says it all - it is slippery. Sitting in my first herb class I was offered a sample of powdered slippery elm bark that had just been mixed with water. I was prompted to drink it quickly. Instead of a liquid,...

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One Herb - So Many Uses! herbs modern medicine pharmaceuticals Feb 15, 2023


As we start talking about herbs, and we will because we are Herbalists, there is a concept that is sometimes difficult to comprehend. And this is it: that one herb has potentially dozens of uses. When I first started learning about herbs this idea seemed very foreign to me. How can...

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From Magic Pills to Magic Beans healthy nutrients vitamins weight loss whole foods Feb 08, 2023

Something for Nothing

We all want to look and feel great, if not for our own reasons then for societies. Social media, in all of its many forms, leaves us longing for the trimmest shape, and the clearest complexion, to go along with our picture perfect lives. We are constantly barraged by...

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BEE Smart For What SMARTS! Jan 31, 2023

Wasp Infestation

One year we had an infestation of wasps. They were everywhere and sometimes even got into the house if the door was left open too long. One day my son and daughter-in-law arrived for a visit. My son reported that his wife had been stung by a wasp while walking to the front door....

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What is a Neti Pot? Jan 25, 2023

Colds and Congestion

The cold season is here along with kids back in school. When I get s stuffy nose after traveling or playing with the grandkids, my first go-to is Nettles. If a couple doses of Nettles does not do the trick then I look for my Neti Pot. A Neti Pot is designed to rinse the nose...

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Spaghetti Squash fiber squash Jan 18, 2023

Spaghetti squash is a winter squash. If the squash was cured before you purchased it, and it likely was, it will stay good for three months or more if it’s then stored in a cool dry place. Curing just means that it was stored for around two weeks in warms air with good circulation.


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Power-Packed Breakfast! anti-inflammatory breakfast healthy nutrition oatmeal vitamins Jan 10, 2023

Need a great way to start your day!

Your body functions best with natural sources of nutrition, nutrients the body recognizes and can utilize is vital to functioning well and feeling well.

Oats are a good source of protein and contain loads of fiber which is great for digestion and keeping the...

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3 Yummy Salad Dressings! salad dressing Jan 03, 2023

Italian Salad Dressing

1/2 cup Olive Oil
1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1 teaspoon Honey
1 teaspoon Lemon Juice
2 Cloves (or more) of Garlic minced
¾ teaspoon Oregano
¾ teaspoon Basil
¾ teaspoon Parsley
Red Pepper Flakes
Ground Pepper
Parmesan Cheese or Nutritional Yeast



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Xylitol - Does it Really Work? alternative healing sugar teeth xylitol Dec 20, 2022

A Crowning Event

Several years ago I experienced some pain in my lower left molars. I first noticed a slight pain when I ate seedy fruits or nuts. Over the course of a few months the pain gradually increased until I eventually sought out my dentist who fit those molars with crowns. When I left...

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Mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr, and Homeopathy alternative healing epstein-barr homeopathy Dec 13, 2022


When my older sister was around 11 or 12 years old, she was diagnosed with mononucleosis, commonly known as mono. She was extremely tired all the time - sleeping all night and most of the day. Her tonsils were very swollen and painful. It was difficult to swallow. Her symptoms lasted for...

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A Little Something for that Bloody Nose bloody nose cayenne herbs Dec 06, 2022

Staunching the Flow

When I came into the house other day, I found my adult son on the couch, his head tilted back, with a wad of bloody tissue stuffed up his nose. He and his family were over visiting and had arrived while I was out watering. As soon as I took in the situation I told him, I had...

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